- 5 min read
- Yum configured to use the 3rd party RPM Fusion repository
- A working graphics card (with direct rendering enabled). If you need help with this, please see the howtos for nVidia or ATI respectively
- If using an nVidia card, please ensure you are not using the legacy (71xx) series driver
- If you have previously followed this howto and wish to update to compiz fusion, simply remove the old packages and then follow the instructions over again:
su -
yum remove \*emerald\* \*beryl\* \*compiz\* heliodor aquamarine ccsm \*fusion-icon\*
Desktop Effects - AIGLX & Compiz, Beryl
AIGLX - Prep
To ensure AIGLX is configured correctly, run:
Select 'AIGLX' as the current configuration and apply it.
AIGLX - Compiz Fusion
If you use the Gnome desktop environment, install the compiz-gnome package:
su -c "yum install compiz-gnome compiz-fusion-extras-gnome compiz-fusion-gnome"
Alternatively if you use KDE, use the compiz-kde package:
su -c "yum install compiz-kde"
Users of both environments will also require the plugins and emerald decorator:
su -c "yum install compiz-fusion compiz-fusion-extras ccsm emerald emerald-themes"
As of June 2008, the Xgl server has been removed from the X server packages, so this section is no longer needed. If you have Xgl installed, please consider removing it and using AIGLX instead.
Common Questions
Q: What's the "Desktop Effects" people keep talking about?
A: I've used "Desktop Effects" in the title of this thread because the 3D effects are commonly called this, although technically Desktop Effects is just the name of the program used to start Compiz(-fusion), one of many window managers. The actual window manager (ie. Beryl or Compiz) are what really provide the 3D effects.